Gen 1 Definition


Gen 1 People

Gen 1 Americans left everything behind to forge a new life with the hope of a better tomorrow. With only the clothes on their backs, pennies in their pockets, possessions in their hands, they used their biggest assets - their minds, resolve, and a hard work ethic to forge their future.

These frugal and scrappy women and men set forth to build their families and future in the land of opportunity, trying, failing, thinking, learning, and doing. Failure was not an option, there was nothing to go back to. They stretched every dollar as if it were their last. We remember our 1st Generation American ancestors and hope to make them proud.

We in invest in early stage innovators, trailblazers, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who possess Gen 1 values.


Gen 1 Products

Gen 1 Products are often back-of-the-napkin innovative ideas turned proof-of-concept. These Gen 1 products are often gritty, inelegant, kludgy, and buggy. Yet it is through experimentation, customer discovery, and immense iteration where minimum viable products are born. It’s how inventors, entrepreneurs, innovators, visionaries transform the world.

As an inventor, Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

We invest in original, authentic, transformative, and disruptive Gen 1 Products looking to revolutionize industries.


Gen 1 Process

gen·e·sis /ˈjenəsəs/ noun - the origin or mode of formation of something

creatio ex nihilo. Creating something from nothing. Going from Zero to One. Not copying or imitating but idealizing and willing something into existence. The creation process is breath taking and earth shattering. There is not a single process for which Gen 1 Founders build their products, it can be an industry expert identifying an opportunity, an epiphany in the middle of the night, a creative with a blank canvas, or a creator with the desire propagate goodness. We want to be part of your origin story.

We invest in innovative founders and support you in the creation process.

We Value

Character. Culture. Creation. Can-do. Collaboration.